Make Your Mark


It's no secret that we live in a time/place where consumerism has literally consumed us. Obviously, we make our "living" by selling you wonderful dog collars - so it could be argued that we are part of this "machine." But, it has always been our mission to bring you the highest quality, non-disposable goods, handcrafted by skilled artisans who promote a culture of conscious consumption. After all, the best way to be eco-friendly is to skip disposable products, avoid excessive packaging, and reuse reuse reuse!

So, for this holiday season we are helping "the cause" by putting together this funky little list of businesses who make products that last, artists/designers that will challenge your idea of "products," and/or companies that promote positive social change.

If you just wants some cool goodies... Check out these folks:

If you're looking for something that will last longer and mean more than any little chachka you could ever find... Look no further:

If you want a cool, low-cost gift that last all year... We LOVE giving our friends and family a subscription to BARK magazine!

When all else fails, we encourage you to make a donation to a reputable charity on behalf of your gift recipient! 

Oh and PS - This isn't real graffiti (pictured), the KARMA part was there and we "faked" the rest - didn't want anyone to think we were defacing public property for the sake of promoting our business, man that would be stupid!
